About Us

It is more than 20 years that I have been living in India. I have been lucky to travel to almost every corner of the country. . I am fascinated by India’s ecological traditions and everywhere I go I document vernacular architecture, local cuisines, water harvesting structure, handloom traditions, forest management traditions… Every trip I make to the interiors still holds for me amazing discoveries.

I pray that the last few forests, the last few remote villages where gentle cultures, life-sustaining, and nurturing ways of life are still surviving will forever get spared from the tentacles of development that are fast engulfing the whole world. I believe those primeval pockets hold a few clues to help us get out of our present ‘malaise’.

For me, documenting, preserving our ecological traditions is much more than a mere environmental fad… it is a spiritual journey of reconnection with our ancestors who lived in balance with nature, with our ancient roots in the forest, with the Earth, with the Divine … It is a healing journey…  

Muriel Kakani is author and illustrator of Ecological Tales from India series. The Mystery of Blue was published by Tulika in 2011 and is today recommended by CBSE. 

Muriel believes in Eco-Spiritually Conscious Development... healing our Heart with the Earth in mind...

To know more about Muriel and her work, visit her website: Ancient Roots 

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